Mercedes Díaz Campiñaº

Mercedes Diaz

Mercedes Díaz Campiñaº

Today we present Merce, a technology enthusiast, as our student of the week. She comes from Tarifa, as did many of her friends.

Study a double degree in Electrical Engineering and Industrial Electronic Engineering, almost nothing! Since the second year of ESO he saw his vocation clearly. He does not like to study by heart, so he always knew that letters were not his thing. She recommends other girls to study engineering. “It’s something that generally appeals more to boys than girls, in my class we are around fifty students and there are only two of us girls.” He loves to learn more about how things in our daily lives work; what makes a microwave oven work, what’s inside a cell phone microchip… “These are things that we use on a daily basis but that take a lot of research and work to make them work”. He is happy in the resi. He thinks that since it is a very familiar residence, it makes it easier to make friends. Merce is another of those who spent last year in Montijo and Mallorca with other residents. “I love to travel and here I have found a good group to do it with.

We share a lot of things and spend a lot of time together.” Also, think that being in a residence helps you mature a lot because you learn to live with people you don’t know at the beginning and you have to adapt. In Seville he is also very comfortable; he sees it with an ideal size and it is not difficult to move around. “Before coming here I had practically never taken a bus because Tarifa is so small.”

He loves his land, especially in summer. The beach, the atmosphere… “It is a place that is still very natural and where there is a lot of wildlife; I love, for example, the whale and dolphin watching that you can do from a boat and beaches like those of Bolonia that are still very unspoiled…”. When he finishes his degree he plans to spend a year abroad, and does not rule out working in another country like Germany or Belgium where “Spanish engineers are in demand”.

He wants to do a Master’s degree in robotics, although he is also interested in the field of renewable energies where he also thinks there is a great future.

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