University residence
for students
in Pamplona


Call us on +34 948 03 01 00

Pamplona is a vibrant city with a lot to offer: the wonderful old town, the castle square, the citadel, the walls, a great gastronomy, a perfect life to study and enjoy in a clean and green environment.

Camplus Pamplona is a coeducational student residence located in the center of the city, very close to the universities and with all services within reach (academies, gyms, stations, historical center…) There is no residence in Pamplona with a better location!

We are a very cozy residence, with a modern and urban aesthetic, to make you feel at home.



In our university residence, formerly called La Campana, we offer a warm and personalized treatment, so that the residence is truly a home. We have created an environment of coexistence, collaboration and study, a place where you can make friends, study, relax and have fun. An ideal space to discover oneself, for the growth of each person.

Our rooms are cozy and bright. They have fully equipped private bathrooms, comfortable beds with canapés, plenty of storage space and large desks.

We cover all your needs: we provide bed and bath linen, half or full board (plus we cook in the residence itself!), a common kitchen for you to practice your chef skills, cleaning twice a week and, of course, high-speed WiFi6 throughout the building. The living room has a billiards room, and we also have a leisure area, gym, activity room, outdoor terrace, library and study rooms that are at your disposal 24 hours a day, so that you can reconcile the time dedicated to socializing and studying.

Check out other places of interest near Camplus!
Pamplona: Avenida de Galicia, 20

University of Navarra


Public University of Navarra




Castle Square


Carlos III Avenue


Youth House


Aoiz Health Center


Historic District


Bus station


University of Navarra


Public University of Navarra




Castle Square


Avda. Charles III


Youth House


Aoiz Health Center


Historic district


Bus station

All the rooms in our residence have been thought and designed to make you feel at home.

All of them have a spacious, comfortable and modern space, fully furnished. Of course, they have full private bathrooms.
The beds have a high quality viscoelastic mattress and a chest for extra storage, and in the bedrooms you will find bed and bath linen (which we wash and change every week), desk, bedside table, bedside table, chest of drawers, very comfortable chair, decorative coat rack on the wall, spacious closets with hangers, and a large closet.

decorative pinboards to hang your photos and schedules. You also have air conditioning and individual heating.
High-speed WiFi is available throughout the residence, so you are always connected. We have a daily maintenance service if something breaks and each resident has an electronic card to access their room.


At Camplus Pamplona we are the most flexible! If you want to reserve 9 months instead of 10, we think it’s perfect! And if you only want to come for one semester, of course, this is your home!


Rooms with own bathroom

24h reception

home cooking


High speed WIFI



Supply costs

Video surveillance


Solarium terrace



Work rooms
as a team

TV room with package
soccer, cinema and sport

Leisure area

Activities of
leisure and sports


Bicycle parking

Locker at reception for parcels

Common areas

Camplus was the first residence I saw and, just from the photos, I had already made up my mind. It was clear to me that this was the residence where I was going to feel at ease, because of everything, the colors, the facilities, the location... The first week in the residence I had already met my group of friends and I felt very comfortable.

“It was clear to me that this was the residence where I was going to feel at home, because of everything, the colors, the facilities, the location…”.


I chose Camplus Pamplona because everything I had heard about the residence was good. I found it very central, very comfortable to move around the city and to go to the University. Once here, I found it easy to make friends, we are a good group!

“I found it very centrally located, very convenient for getting around the city and going to college.”


“I totally got it right with the residency – I’m great here!”.


I was absolutely right with the residence. I'm great here! I saw it on Google and loved it. Then a friend recommended it to me. I wanted to live in a residence hall because of the opportunities it gives you to meet other people, not limiting yourself to people from your career and your university.

“In the residence I feel very integrated.”


In the residence I feel very integrated and I like to collaborate as a teacher in the Biotechnology Mentoring.


In our residence we are distinguished by a warm and personalized treatment in which each resident is important to us. We have created an environment of coexistence, collaboration and study making us a real family; a place where you can study, rest, have fun, make friends and, in short, live the university experience in the best possible way.

Campluslife PAMPLONA

June 3
Welcoming American student groups

Some come and some go... Our students finish their exams and return home, making room for the summer groups that will be joining us in the coming weeks. The first batch comes from the USA: 50 students from Kansas, Carolina, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and New York, among other destinations. Welcome home!!!

May 30
Celebration of the I Ping Pong Tournament "Camplus Pamplona".

Camplus Pamplona's 1st Ping Pong Tournament has been a great success! We have had more than 50 participants, who have worked hard for several months to win the coveted trophy! This one has gone far away, to Galicia, thanks to Jorge, a student of the Superior Grade in Music, who has shown us that his skills are not limited to the violin. Next year we will repeat the tournament, more and better!

April 26
Easter lunch, and other tastings!

Before heading into the dreaded exams, we wanted to celebrate an unforgettable end-of-year party. It has certainly been amazing! We had live music by our DJ Rebeca, who gave us the best songs from her repertoire, and an exceptional rap duo, our students Diego and Rodrigo, acclaimed by the audience! There was also a tasting dinner and a 360-degree video photomaton, which was the highlight of the evening.

April 24
Together we recorded the video!

This course has been incredibly positive and we wanted to record a video reminder of the year and, above all, of our protagonists, the students! It would not have been possible without the involvement of no less than 25 volunteers! Do you want to see it? Stay tuned, you'll see soon...!

March 8
Women's Day" Microstory Contest

As has become a tradition, we wanted to celebrate Women's Day by organizing a Micro-Story Contest. For the second consecutive year, the winner was Uxue, a 2nd year nursing student at the UPNA, who in addition to her health skills, has demonstrated great creative talent!

February 29 - March 2
Interactive surgery workshops for students

Several Camplus medical students have participated in the Surgery Conference (JOICE), which we sponsor every year. We are delighted to collaborate in an event organized by students, with a very educational theoretical-practical approach. In addition to lectures by leading experts, first-year students have the opportunity to participate in workshops in which real surgeries are simulated. Certainly a very enriching experience.

October 19
Winners in the Customer Service category at the "Global Student Living Awards".

One of the novelties of this course is the collaboration with the INNOVA group, made up of students
which organize colloquiums with professionals in the field of business and entrepreneurship. Within the framework of
This initiative, we have the testimony of Pablo Sanchez, co-founder of the In3ator project, platform
which promotes low-cost baby incubators in developing countries. It was a
extremely interesting event, both from an entrepreneurial perspective, as a startup, and also from a business perspective.
social action.

February 14th
Beginning of the ping pong tournament

One of the most awaited competitions of the year begins. The Ping Pong Tournament! 32 students will fight for the trophy during the two-month tournament. We will certainly enjoy a good atmosphere and healthy rivalry!

February 14th
Valentine's Day never misses its date

Valentine's Day is an immovable date in the calendar of our residence. The students enjoyed a shower of sweets, the famous valentinesque food and the photocall of love. The star dish was our "valentinesque room picture", a giant panel where all the rooms of the residence are included, so that the students can leave their messages of friendship.

February 3 and 4
Weekend skiing

We had an amazing weekend at Formigal ski resort, enjoying skiing and snowboarding, even though this year there was very little snow! That has not been an inconvenience to enjoy a couple of days of conviviality, sport and even music at the Marchica Festival. To repeat!

February 1
Camplusera Gala

Our students have organized the second edition of the Camplusera Gala, in a well-known nightclub in Pamplona. The event consisted of a tasting dinner, music and awards ceremony for the most outstanding students of the course. Definitely, a night to celebrate friendship, to share laughter and dance.

December 19
Christmas lands at Camplus

Christmas has flooded Camplus Pamplona with decorative motifs. Nothing was missing: the reindeer, the Santa Klaus train, the mailbox for the letters to the Three Wise Men and, of course, the Christmas tree! The highlight was on the 19th, with our traditional Christmas lunch, Christmas bingo and prize-giving.

December 10, 2009
Creative-Christmas contest

As every year, we let our students decorate the residence for Christmas. The winners were the students on the 2nd floor of Block C, mostly from Medicine, who turned their hallway into a real Christmas card! They have clearly shown us that Science is not incompatible with creativity!

October 9th
Easter lunch, and other tastings!

This year we have broken all our records! of participation in the Rectora University Trophy. No less than 113 campluseros! will compete in the three women's and four men's 7-a-side soccer teams, in the three women's and two men's futsal teams, and in the women's basketball team. We love that there is so much desire to enjoy sports and healthy living, to socialize and, above all, to share life and experiences! with the friends of the resi.

September 21
Welcome party at Camplus Pamplona

Nothing was missing at the party to welcome the new academic year: tasting dinner, good atmosphere and the presence of an exceptional artist, Rebeca, who sang live her best songs and enlivened the evening with her disco rhythm. The atmosphere was so conducive that Rodrigo, one of our new students, started off with the best of his repertoire (we didn't know there was a well-known rapper among our students!).

September 19
Camplus Pamplona Mus tournament begins

24 couples compete in the I Camplus Pamplona Mus Tournament, which has generated a lot of expectation - and excitement - among the students. Participants will compete for the coveted trophy and, of course, for the pride of being the winning couple of the Tournament!

September 18
New call for mentoring programs

A new edition of Camplus Pamplona's famous Mentoring programs is starting. As a novelty, the Mentoring in Economics and Business is divided into two groups: on the one hand, in Spanish and, on the other hand, the international Double Degree. Mentoring is a great support for first-year students, who benefit from the experience and knowledge of veteran students. In addition, they allow for closer relations with the students of the career. All advantages!

September 13
We resume Hatha-Yoga classes!

One more year, you can participate in the hatha-yoga classes of Camplus Pamplona. We continue with three groups, two of them in the afternoon, on Mondays and Wednesdays, and the third group in the morning, on Tuesdays and Thursdays. We know that yoga contributes to mind-body integration, relaxation, muscle fitness and injury prevention. And you, haven't you signed up yet?

September 05
Language exchange classes

This year we have a wide representation of countries in Camplus Pamplona, which always adds up, as having foreign students helps to open our minds to new cultures, release prejudices and broaden our knowledge of languages! To this end, we have created language exchange classes, which have been very well received. This year we will be able to practice English, French, Spanish, Italian, German, Dutch, Polish, Ukrainian, Kenyan, Romanian and even Jordanian!

September 01
Welcome to the 2023-24 academic year!

We welcome the 2023-24 school year with the same enthusiasm and impetus as every year. This year we will have students from 28 Spanish regions and 17 countries. Can you ask for more richness and diversity?

July 06
Sanfermines at Camplus Pamplona

At the end of the school year, we wanted to share our most international festivities with the students of the resi. After the effort of the course, they deserve a few days off to celebrate with their friends of the resi and get to know the most cheerful side of the city.

June 15th
Completion of the course mentoring programs

This year, 81 students have participated in the various Mentoring programs of Camplus Pamplona. Biotechnology, Biology and Biochemistry, Medicine, Nursing, Engineering I (Industrial, Mechanical and Electrical), Engineering II (Biomedical, Telecommunications and Computer Science), as well as Economics and Business, were the areas of study by majors this year. Beyond the academic support, which is already a lot, Mentoring makes it possible for students to support each other and to bond with the rest of the students in the career.

May 25
Barbecue food Camplus Pamplona style!

Our students are already immersed in their final exams. To "boost the morale of the troops", we decided to organize a tasty and energetic menu. Assorted salads, grilled vegetables, barbecued ribs, cider sausages, grilled hamburgers and ranch potatoes, a finger-licking menu! It allowed us to recharge our batteries and share a special meal with friends of the resi.

May 5
End of year party 2023

The school year is coming to an end at Camplus Pamplona and we wanted to celebrate it, with everything! Tasting dinner, photocall, live music and disco atmosphere by a famous DJ of the city. Exams are just around the corner, so this will be the last celebration before hibernating!

April 26
Women's Camplus, winner of the Rector's Basketball Trophy!

After six years, the Camplus Pamplona women's basketball team has revalidated its victory in the Rectora Basketball Trophy, as did the "winning quintet" that made its debut in the Rectora Trophy. Many campluser@s campluser@s have come to the game to support our female javelinas, who have played with passion, dedication and sportsmanship. You are the best!

March 30
Comida de semana santa ¡y otras degustaciones!
Easter lunch, and other tastings!

Next week our residents start their Easter vacations and we wanted to celebrate it with a typical meal of these dates, in which we have not missed the roast knuckle, the flamenquines cordobeses or the traditional torrijas! Thursdays are the day chosen for tastings, which the students are very enthusiastic about! This year we have had a selection of pinchos from Navarre, a buffet of Asian and Mexican food, and we have approached the gastronomy of the Basque Country, La Rioja, Catalonia, Andalusia and the Valencian Community. The palate can't complain!

March 20
20 de marzo programas mentoring
Our Mentoring programs are making good progress!

The course does not give much respite. Midterms are on the prowl and our Mentoring programs are flooding the team rooms. The most active mentoring is that of Industrial Engineering, focused on preparing Physics and Drawing, two of the most "hard-fought" subjects. Mentoring in Biomedical Engineering and Telecommunications is also focused on the subject Signals and Systems, and Economics and Business is thoroughly preparing Accounting and Statistics. Cheer up guys, Easter is just around the corner!

March 9
Surgical conferences for students

One of the activities we like to promote is the Surgery Days for Students (JOICE). The main reason is that they are organized by the students themselves in the last years of the course. Medicine is the most present degree in our residency and we love to support our students with this event. We will continue to support JOICE.

March 8
Women's Day Micro-Stories

Women's Day is always a date marked on our calendar. Last year we organized a literary meeting with women writers and this time we wanted to transfer the protagonism to our residents by organizing a Micro-story Contest. The winner was Uxue, a 1st year nursing student, with a passionate story that will not leave you indifferent (it is shared on our bulletin board).

February 20
Carnival carnival, carnival I love you

Carnivals are always a good excuse for our students to "play at being someone else" and dress up in fun costumes. Throughout the day, cartoon characters, kings, princesses, monsters and even aliens paraded through the residence!

February 17th
Diseña tu sudadera Camplus
Design your Camplus sweatshirt

Our students are very proactive and this year they came up with a very exciting idea: to design their own Camplus sweatshirt. This initiative, promoted by the Camplus Student Committee, was supported by most of the students. The design, in a large number of colors, shows the residence building and the name of the students in each class. The students decided that, along with the purchase of the sweatshirt, they wanted to make a donation to the victims of the earthquakes in Turkey and Syria. Proud of our residents!

February 14th
Valentine loves us

Valentine's Day is one of the most celebrated dates by our students, who take the opportunity to dedicate messages of affection and friendship on our giant board. It is a day that is also very popular among the most laminar people, who can enjoy the candy table and the valentinesque food. This year, as a novelty, we have brought a very special photocall, "The caravan of love", which has traveled throughout the residence!

February 11
Snow Getaway

One more year, we have repeated one of the star activities of the residence, the weekend in the snow. This time, as last year, we have moved to Formigal, one of the best winter resorts in Huesca. Our students have enjoyed the winter sports and the concert offered at the resort on Saturday afternoon. A great opportunity to play sports and socialize with friends from the resi!

February 3
Global Game Jam

This year we have participated again in the Global Game Jam with Creanavarra, which organizes the event in our facilities. During a frenetic weekend, our students have designed a video game in groups, with the guidance of teachers and experts. Students from the fields of Design, Programming, Engineering, Storytelling or Animation have enjoyed a fun and educational experience.

January 17th
Rectora Basketball Trophy

The beginning of the second quarter has brought us the incentive of the Rectora Basketball Trophy. We have the presence of a men's team and a women's team, who are giving their all in the tournament. The men's team was eliminated in the last game of the first phase, while our girls continue their winning trajectory. This team is going to bring us a lot of joy!

December 15
Christmas Celebration

The Christmas celebration was very special this year. We have shared an exquisite meal with our students, in which nothing has been missing, neither the traditional lamb, nor the prawns or Christmas sweets. During the after-dinner conversation, we organized a bingo game, which the students were very enthusiastic about. The awarding of prizes to the winners of the bingo and the most Christmas-like door contest was the icing on the cake of an unforgettable afternoon.

December 14, 2009
diseña tu tarjeta navideña
Design your Christmas Greeting" Contest

This Christmas we wanted our students to be the ones to design the Camplus Christmas card. The competition has been incarnate! The winner was Ángela, a student from our sister residence, Camplus Sevilla, with a very Christmas-like interpretation of the painting "The Starry Night" by Vincent van Gogh. Angela has surprised us with her talent, a star is certainly born!

December 7th
7 de diciembre - concurso la puerta más navideña
New edition of the contest "The most Christmas-like door".

One of our students' favorite contests is "The Most Christmasy Door". Students decorate their bedroom door with Christmas motifs in a frenzied competition for the title of "most Christmasy". This contest is taking on such dimensions that this year, it was not only a competition between doors, but even between corridors! Voting was very close, especially between the third floor of block A and the first floor of block C, with our veteran engineers on the third floor finally winning out. Veteranship is a degree!

November 8
fit gipsy dance
Do you want to join Fit Gypsi Dance?

One of the novelties of this course is the Fit gipsy dance class. This is a fusion of fitness and flamenco, in which, in addition to burning calories, serotonin is released and tensions are discharged. It is an original and fun activity that uses resources such as the shawl, the fan or the club. There's still time to sign up!

February 08
31 de octubre
Benito Villamarín Stadium Tour

This year's Halloween Party was dedicated to the Mexican Night of the Dead. On this day,
Mexico is full of decorative monuments, through which we pay honor to loved ones and to those we love.
deceased. The activity room was transformed into an impressive living altar, where our
students danced in amazing and terrifying costumes!

October 26
Premiere of the Men's 7-a-side soccer tournament

Soccer often gives you one piece of cake and one piece of sand. This was the case in the debut of our three men's 7-a-side soccer teams in the Rectora Trophy. Our benjamin team (Camplus C) has been defeated, while Camplus B has managed to draw in a disputed match, and Camplus A has won comfortably (hat-trick included by our captain). A good atmosphere and sportsmanship prevailed. And the Camplus family, as always, united!

October 13
13 de octubre - futbol femenino
Three teams in the Women's Futsal Tournament

Our students are the most animated of the campus and did not want to miss the opportunity to practice team sports and make a team! in the University Futsal Tournament. We have three teams of campluseras in the tournament, which pits the colleges and residences of the University of Navarra against each other. Our girls are full of enthusiasm and motivation. And they have a fan base that does not disappoint!

October 6
Menú a la carta
A la carte menu

This year we also wanted our students to participate in the design of the menus, so that they can enjoy their favorite dishes. We are incorporating their proposals, which range from the most traditional, such as pasta carbonara or entrecote, to more exotic options, such as Arabian food!

September 23rd
Welcome to the course party

A new academic year is starting and can you think of a better way to celebrate it than sharing dinner, music and dancing? The welcome party is an ideal opportunity for students to get to know each other, make friends and soon feel at home! We have celebrated it in our activities room with a special dinner and live music by DJ Mikel Carvalho. Of course, there was also a photocall to immortalize the best moments!

September 16
Be The Change" Challenge

We love the Be the change project, an initiative of the Fabre Foundation that we are promoting in the residence. The students, organized in groups, must present the guidelines of a project with social impact, within four important areas: human rights, gender, interculturality and environment. The selected projects will be able to count on the training and resource support provided by the Foundation. Would you like to participate?

September 14, 2009
Presentation of mentoring programs

Camplus Pamplona's Mentoring programs are starting this academic year 2022-23. Mentoring in Biochemistry and Biology, Economics and Business, Medicine and Engineering. And next week we will present Mentoring in Nursing, as well as in Biotechnology and Data Science. At the end of September we will launch our youngest program, the Mentoring in Design and Artistic Creation. Start the new school year with your batteries recharged!

September 13
Urban dance workshops start at Camplus Pamplona

Among the novelties for this course are the urban dance workshops. Dancing is a very positive activity for the mood, which helps to release endorphins, serotonin, dopamine and oxytocin, the famous happiness quartet! It also contributes to lowering cortisol levels (the stress hormone). Above all, it's a way to socialize and enjoy the "resi life"! This was the case in the first workshop we organized; the students were enthusiastic and are already asking for the next workshop!

September 5
We resume the Hatha Yoga classes.

At Camplus Pamplona we believe that Hatha-Yoga is a very healthy activity for our clients.
students, as it contributes to the balance between mind and body and favors the elimination of stress.
It also helps to improve flexibility and prevent injuries. This should also be the thinking of the
The classes have been very well received this year; the two groups have been completed, the students have
Mondays and Wednesdays. Mens sana in corpore sano!

September 1
1 de septiembre, inicio de curso 2022 - 2023
Opening of the 2022 - 2023 academic year

We begin the 2022-23 academic year with all the seats filled and the same enthusiasm as every year! We have planned a course
full of novelties in Camplus Pamplona, such as urban dance workshops and sports Master Classes,
or the elaboration of a collective artistic mural. We will, of course, maintain some of our
"mythical activities", such as Mentoring programs, tasting lunches, or competitions.
sports in the university trophies. The starting gun is fired!

May 24
777Backstage: Charity Fashion Event

This Saturday we celebrated the 777Backstage, a non-profit fashion event. Attendees could contribute food for the Bank
of Food. It was based on a concept of inclusive fashion, with models that are not usually seen on the catwalks, because they do not
respond to the aesthetic canon or because they belong to vulnerable groups. More than 150 people joined us for this event, which was attended by the following
The event was enlivened by several music and dance companies.

April 28
End of the year party

This year the end-of-year party has been brought forward so as not to coincide with exams. We enjoyed a special catered dinner and live music by DJ Mikel Carvalho.

April 1
Surgery Conference for Students

Once again, Camplus Pamplona participates as a sponsor in the Surgery Conference for Students of the University of Navarra.
Thanks to this agreement, four of the sixty medical students in our residency have been able to attend the master classes and workshops free of charge.

March 7
Meeting with women writers

We wanted to celebrate Women's Day by organizing a colloquium with nine women writers from different regions of Spain and Latin America. During the colloquium, very interesting topics were discussed, such as empowerment and self-esteem, vocation and freedom, wave
creativity as a vehicle for communication and support.

February 28th
Awareness and social values

Thanks to our partnership with the Fabre Foundation, we have organized two exhibitions aimed at raising awareness among our students in areas that are important to us. The first of these has focused on environmental protection and sustainable development; and the second on equal opportunities and gender vision.

February 19
Weekend in the snow

More than 70 students from Camplus Pamplona have been encouraged to spend a weekend skiing in Formigal. The students really enjoyed the skiing, the conviviality and the atmosphere!

February 14th
Valentine's Day Camplusero

At Camplus Pamplona we love to celebrate Valentine's Day. During this day, our students can leave each other messages of friendship and
The mural of rooms that we placed in the hall. They were also able to take the memory of their most affectionate photos in the photocall and enjoy the valentinesca food and the "candy-table".

February 1
Participation in the Rector's Trophy

Camplus Pamplona has had a large representation in this year's Rector's Trophy of the University of Navarra with three 7-a-side soccer teams. Luck has been mixed, with one of them eliminated in the round of 16 and the other two teams reaching the quarterfinals. We are very happy for their effort and because they have been very well supported by their friends in the resi.

September 15
We resume mentoring programs

As in previous years, we have organized work groups by careers so that veteran students can support and help younger students academically. This year we have Mentoring in Engineering, Biotechnology, Medicine, Biochemistry and Biology, Law and International Relations, and Economics and Business. And as a novelty, we are launching Mentoring in Design and Artistic Creation!

September 1
Sports activities in our new gym

We start the school year with a new gym and sports activities! Functional training, Initiation to Boxing, Pilates (medium level and hit), Hipopresivos and Hatha-Yoga. Every day of the week, you can choose! And on weekends, special activities, all of them very aerobic and, above all, a lot of fun! Master Class of Kangoo power, gluteus, or zumba, for all tastes.



After providing your information by clicking on RESERVA, you must submit a photocopy of your ID card or passport, a recent passport-sized photograph and proof of admission to the school (once you receive it).

In the event that you do not study in Pamplona, we will refund the full amount of the reservation fee by July 25 of the corresponding year and presenting a copy of the registration at the university where you are going to study.

It represents a total cost of 900 euros. This amount is refunded at the end of the stay if the resident has not caused any damage and has not left the residence before the deadline agreed in the contract. Of course, the amount is lower in the case of temporary stays.

Accommodation, use of common areas and gym, cleaning, bed linen and towels, meals (half board or full board from Monday to Friday), high-speed Internet, 24-hour video surveillance, maintenance, events organized at the residence, etc.

Each month, through a bank receipt. For other monthly payment systems, please consult with the management of the residence.


Of course, we provide it and take care of washing and changing it weekly.

Rooms 2 times/week. The common areas on a daily basis.

Yes, we pick up letters and parcels. Please make sure they arrive in your name and have the correct PO BOX on them so we can identify them and they go to the locker where you can pick them up directly.

Of course, free for you, as a resident, and at your disposal 24 hours a day. All sports activities are included in the fee, so you can stay in shape at the residence!


We love that you make the space your own. There are rooms that look like real palaces!

But please do not drill holes in the walls. The room should look the same when you leave as you found it.

No, in the residence we also admit students who come to the university for temporary stays. We love to welcome you, you bring a lot of internationality and joy to our residence!

Yes, we will be happy to welcome you! We will reserve a room for you. They cannot sleep in yours, as it is for the exclusive use of the resident.

We love animals! But not in principle. Only for visits and after consultation with Management.

We are delighted. There is a very good relationship between our residents. We try to encourage socialization with a wide range of activities that we organize for them: sports activities, gastronomic events, dances, workshops, celebrations, excursions, etc.


Of course! We have our own kitchen and offer a wide variety, so you can choose tasty and healthy dishes. At noon, we offer 3 choices of first courses and 3 choices of second courses. At dinner, you have 2 choices of first courses and 2 choices of second courses. Your salad buffet is always included! And breakfast, just like in a hotel! Coffee, cola cao, toast, cookies, pastries, fruit, juices and even bacon and eggs! And if you prefer to cook on your own, there is a communal kitchen for you to prepare your favorite dishes!

Of course it is! There is a communal kitchen for you to prepare whatever you want.

Yes, we offer a dining room service that you can hire on a weekly basis. It costs 16 euros/day and includes breakfast, lunch and dinner. It’s homemade food and it’s very good!

If one day you can’t eat at the residence, you can ask us for your picnic. You only need to order 24 hours in advance. It consists of a first, second course and dessert, which we deliver in a convenient thermal bag.

Of course, just let us know. You will never be short of food, and good food at that!

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¡Reserva hoy mismo tu plaza para el curso 2024 - 2025!
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Reserve your place for the 2024 - 2025 course today!