Leyre Palacios

Today we present as student of the week another of our “classics”. Leyre, comes from Tudela (Navarra) and arrived here in the early days of Camplus Sevilla, in September 2021.

He is studying Finance and Accounting at the US. She did not access it through the EBAU, but through a Higher Degree in Nutrition and Dietetics and, at first, she was going to go for the health branch, but she changed and now she is very happy. In the future he would like to work in banking, but he thinks it is difficult and he is not entirely sure what he will do: “I imagine that once I do internships in companies I will see better what I like.”

She is doing quite well in her career and, so far, she has passed all her first year subjects and, in the second year, she has passed all the subjects in the first term and hopes to do so in the second term as well.

Leyre, like other residents, has played high level sports until she reached high school. From the age of 4 she practiced rhythmic gymnastics and was champion of Navarra and, curiously, also of Aragon: “When I was 11 years old I changed to a club in Egea (Aragon), which is half an hour from Tudela, and I started competing in Aragon”. He also participated several times in the Spanish Championship: “What brings me the best memories are the concentrations and championships, we were like a small family”. She also did ballet, and next year she wants to look for a dance school to pursue something related to dance.

In the resi she integrated very quickly and this year she is on the student committee: “I came with a little fear because I came from far away, without knowing anyone and with people a little smaller than me; I thought I might not be able to connect with people”, but boy did he connect, a few days later he was already in one of the largest groups of the resi, a group of veterans that after two years, it will be strange not to see them every day.

In Seville he is also very comfortable: “Here you live a lot in the street, you are not very homely, just like me, and people are very open”. “The climate I also like… Until summer arrives, although in Tudela it is also hot. There we have Las Bárdenas Reales which is literally like a desert.”

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