Fernando Viñas

Fernando comes from Algeciras and is in his second year of a double degree in Law and Business Administration. In ESO he had a subject of economics and saw that he liked it: “Then in 2nd of Bachillerato I went to the Economics Olympics of the province of Cadiz and I was 2nd so I also participated in the national ones in Madrid. I lived a few days of university experience before entering the university. I had a great time”.

Although both his parents are lawyers, he is more interested in economics: “I would like to go into private business and grow; I see myself more in a position of responsibility than setting up my own company: “I think I am a very hard-working person and a bit stubborn, if I set my mind to something, I end up doing it”.

Fernando has another passion which is Paleontology: “I love everything related to dinosaurs, the feeling of picking up a block of earth and digging up the bones I loved when I was a kid and I still love it”.

He is also a great athlete. He has played federated handball for many years, along with our other residents Quique and Juan, in the Club Balonmano Ciudad de Algeciras, but he is more interested in beach handball and has been champion of Spain in this discipline with his team “Los Pulpos Beach” and champion of Spain by autonomies with the Andalusian national team: “In handball I have made many friends from all over Spain; inside the court they are enemies, but outside you have fun with them”. He has also participated in the US Paddle League, representing Camplus Sevilla.

In the residence he is very integrated: “There is such a good vibe that you end up relating to everyone, even if you have your own group of friends”. “I also had a great time with the activities that were done; they were very creative and some, like the tour of Seville, also helped us to get to know each other.”

Fernando became interested in studying in Seville as a result of a talk given by his brother on Andalusia Day at the Maestranza. He spent a few days here and got to know her better. He adores his brother: “Although he is 9 years older than me, he is one of my main supporters and every time I have needed him he has helped me, I love him very much”.

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