Agustin Fernandez

Our student of the week, Agus, comes from Badajoz and has the soul of an entrepreneur. Until the first year of high school he wanted to study physiotherapy or nutrition, but a shoulder injury caused him to stand still for a long time without playing sports and he changed his mind. Although as a child he also had other projects… He wanted to be a bullfighter and was about to enter a bullfighting school when he was 9 years old, but he did not meet the minimum age and later discarded it. Both he and his family are very fond of bullfighting.

He finally enrolled in the Dual Degree in Law and Finance and Accounting. Think of them as two very different but complementary branches. Agus’ parents have had a consultancy for more than 30 years: “It is totally related to what I study, but my idea is not to end up there, although I don’t rule it out completely, it is just another option”. His sister also studied law.

In the future, he would like to set up something on his own, although he is still not sure what: “I know I want to have my own business and that my career will serve as a support for me to have more knowledge; I have a great entrepreneurial spirit and I cannot conceive of getting up every day without goals and challenges to achieve”.

In the residence she is happy: “I am a very sociable person and I do not contemplate living without people around, so nothing better than living in a residence; here I have everything, my privacy in my room, the gym …”. “I couldn’t have been luckier with my classmates, I have found people who are very like-minded and we are a very large group. This year we have even enlarged the group with the arrival of new residents.

Agus has represented Camplus Sevilla together with Lorenzo in the Padel League of the University of Seville. He loves sports. He was federated in swimming with the Badajoz Swimming Club. He is now an unconditional fan of the gym: “Whenever I can I go, besides keeping in shape, it’s a way to disconnect”.

In Seville he is delighted: “It has everything, it’s “the city”, the climate, the atmosphere, the ease of getting around… Sitting on a terrace and the fact that it’s almost always sunny is priceless. It is impossible to highlight just one thing about Seville”.

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