Mar Sarrias

Mar, our student of the week, wanted to study a career that was practical. In high school, she was frustrated by having to study subjects that had no clear use. She was thinking of studying Business Administration and Management in Barcelona, until she discovered that the University of Navarra offered ISSA (Degree in Applied Management). Her family is from Gerona, but her mother studied at the UNAV and had wonderful memories of her time in Pamplona. She finished cheering her up!

The race convinced her from the start, it was definitely what she was looking for! Throughout the course they work on a “quasi-real” project and everything they learn is applied in the project: “I’ve always loved organizing events and meeting people. In this course you learn how to plan and integrate everything, from databases to economic and communication aspects. I’m very enthusiastic about the course, especially this second course, which is more practical than the previous one”.

Certainly, the career fits her like a glove! She is already in her third year and next year she will leave Pamplona (and the resi! ooooooh) to do the Erasmus program. Because Mar is determined, enterprising and very dynamic! She has many hobbies. She is passionate about golf, which she has played since she was six years old. She was part of a team with which she competed throughout Catalonia. She also loves music, started at the age of three and went all the way to the end, obtaining a professional degree in music theory and violin. Then she tried electronic music for two years. She did not want to dedicate herself professionally to it, but she recognizes that she is enthusiastic about music and, when she returns to Girona, he always finds time to rescue her violin.

She considers herself very fortunate to share both her hobbies and her university adventure with her sister Eva. They are “two in one”, twins, classmates, roommates and roommates! “You come to a new place, you start a new life, but you are not alone. She’s a great support, the first person I tell my things to.”

Her company has made it so easy for her to adapt, to the point that she is thinking of settling in Pamplona! “I really like the city, it has an atmosphere, not only student, but in general. There is a culture of going out, of wanting to see each other. It has a lot of green spaces and they are all well cared for. The quality of life is very good, and it’s the perfect size! When I finish my degree, I think I will stay here”.

But she, her sister and her mother are not the only Pamplona fans in her family: “My grandmother got Instagram just to follow us, the university and the residence. I wouldn’t be surprised if she came to live here too!!!”

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