Raquel Esteban

Choosing the career that best fits your personality is not easy. Raquel (Rachel to her friends!) thought she was right in choosing Biochemistry. However, once at university, he realized that it was not his thing, too much laboratory! and switched to Agro-food Engineering at the UPNA. Now she is delighted!

She comes from Meano, a small town in Navarra, and the choice of studying in Pamplona was clear, because of its proximity and because she does not like big cities. Accustomed to the quiet life in the village, she did not see herself in Madrid or Barcelona… The residence had been recommended to him by some friends of his brother, it was very well located and he didn’t think much of it. The best decision she made, without a doubt, was the choice of her friends in the resi, who are already like family to her: her cuadrilla, “las pochis”, and “los veteranos”, who helped her so much in her first year away from home.

He considers himself a simple person. He enjoys spending time with “his people”, going to the mountains and discovering new places. She has practiced athletics since she was very young, she finds running very liberating, but she “hung up her running shoes” during the pandemic and has replaced it with the gym.

Rachel is cheerful and giggly. He considers himself very familiar, although since he has been in Pamplona he rarely goes home! She is very close to her grandmother and her parents, her dog Daster, and also to her brother; he is a soccer player and left the nest early, but they have a very close relationship. Rachel is definitely a person with strong roots, her family and friends are her greatest support!

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