Paula Fernandez

Paula’s arrival in Seville last year had a lot of suspense… She had initially enrolled in Córdoba in the Double Degree in Translation and Interpreting and Hispanic Philology, but in the first weeks of classes, she saw that she was not convinced and requested a change of enrollment to the US to study Hispanic Philology. Until the last moment he did not know if he would be able to enter Seville. He had enough grades to get into the 1st allotment, but since he initially chose another career, he had to wait to see if there were any vacancies. When it came to choosing a resi, a point in favor of Camplus Sevilla was that there were a lot of people from their town… Montijo (Badajoz) Does this sound familiar? One year later, she has no regrets: “It’s very nice here. I’ve made a lot of friends and the staff is very nice”.

His is one of the few degrees that are still being studied in the emblematic headquarters of the Rectorate of the University of Seville (Old Tobacco Factory), a building dating back to 1771 no less. Paula, in addition to her studies, loves the Faculty, and it is a luxury to study there.

She is in love with everything related to literature, from languages to philosophy. Next year, in 3rd grade, he wants to do an Erasmus and would like to go to Poland, Hungary or the Czech Republic. He enjoys reading and taking pictures and also plays the piano. In Seville he has somewhat abandoned it, but when he returns home he tries to take it up again. She also loves spending time with her family and friends.

In the future, she is very clear that she wants to devote herself to teaching and it is something very vocational: “When I was little I even dressed up and played at teaching”. Her idea is to become a secondary school teacher, although lately she is also considering becoming a Spanish teacher for foreigners. Paula is a very outgoing and people person, so we know that when she becomes a teacher she will do very well.

In Seville he is happy: “I like to go for a drink in Triana, also the parks… there is a lot of life in the street compared to my village which is quieter and is a very good distance from Montijo, so my parents can come very often to see me and I love that”.

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