Mario Ruiz

This week we introduce you to Mario, 2nd year Economics student at UPNA. The choice of career was not difficult, he has always loved Economics (it was his favorite subject) and only hesitated whether to do Science of Physical Activity and Sport.

Sports is his second passion, especially soccer, and even more so, refereeing! His brother was also a referee and encouraged him along the way. For him, it’s like a second career (in the literal sense of the word, because you have to train and run a lot! to be well prepared): “Being a referee is one of the best decisions I’ve made. It has given me a lot: discipline, capacity for sacrifice… it has helped me to form my personality. You have to have clear criteria, the strength not to let yourself be influenced, cold bloodedness to make decisions regardless of criticism… It has also allowed me to make great friends”.

Mario takes arbitration very seriously. Every weekend he returns to La Rioja to referee and during the week he trains in Pamplona at Larrabide, with the refereeing team of Navarra. It is in the third division and wants to continue advancing.

Of course, he does not neglect his “other career”. He is doing well, although he has already been warned that 3rd and 4th are tough! “There are subjects I like a lot, others not so much… But I’m happy. Keeping up with the subjects, you get the subjects out, it’s not difficult, so far!”

He decided to study in Pamplona because the degree in Economics is not offered in Logroño. Pamplona is close by and is a great city! On the recommendation of a former student, our dear Alba Covaleda, also a referee! he came to Camplus, where he is very well integrated: “My friends at the residence, and the girls, “the pochis”, are crackers! I’ve been very lucky.

Because he is very friendly with his friends, a cheerful and fun person! As he defines himself, he is “a happy guy”! He also has his responsible side, he likes to commit himself to what he cares about. Try to maintain that “magic balance” between enjoyment and responsibility!

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