Mario López

Mario Lopez

Mario López

Mario, our student of the week, was one of the residents who arrived at the residence on our opening day, September 14 of last year.

He came from Montijo (Badajoz) with his cousin Marta and now there are six Montijanos living with us. Marta, in addition to being a cousin, is considered a great friend, and they have a very special relationship, since they also live together in the country house shared by the two families, where last year they invited up to 10 residents for the December long weekend, which says a lot about how hospitable this family is.

Mario is a law student at Loyola University, and his mother is a lawyer and has been a practicing lawyer for many years. He is delighted at Loyola and really likes both the academic and religious focus of the institution and that it is a very family-oriented university where, “I am known by name and I love that.” Last year he participated in a volunteer program. He did it through the university and it was for him a very enriching experience in which he visited several shelters and was able to learn about the reality of people with difficulties.

In the future, he does not rule out trying his luck in his mother’s office, but he is not closing any doors. Mario is a very charismatic resident and very well liked by his peers and the nursing home staff. Always with a smile on his face, it is a joy to meet him every day. He feels very much at home at Camplus Sevilla and has been surprised by the strong friendships he has made: “I consider some of them as if they were my lifelong friends”. In addition to the meeting in Montijo, last summer they made a trip to Mallorca and, in this case, it was the Mallorcans who were the hosts. He loves Andalusia, especially Seville and Zahara de los Atunes where he spends the summer with his family, and he is also passionate about sports, especially soccer (he has been playing since he was 3 years old).

He was federated in “La Peña del Valle”, and he is not bad at it. This year he scored a hat trick with our Camplus team in the inter-residence league.