Foto María Montáñez

Maria Montañez

Foto María Montáñez

Today we have another student of the week from Jaén. Maria doesn’t like social networks, but she did feel like appearing in this section when we proposed it to her. He is not too attracted to show photos of his day to day life. In addition, he feels that they would take too much time away from other things that interest him more. Maria comes from Villacarrillo, a municipality belonging to the Sierra de Las Villas in the Natural Park of the Sierras de Cazorla, Segura and Las Villas. He is a sophomore in Mathematics, although he is a freshman in our dorm. As a child she saw mathematics as something very difficult, but in ESO she had very good teachers and she began to like it.

She is very clear that she wants to be a teacher. His passion for teaching comes from his mother, a language and literature teacher. He inherited his interest in science from his father, who is an industrial engineer. Above all, he is attracted by the contact with people and believes it is a very rewarding job. Her idea is to become a teacher in secondary and high school and, when she finishes her degree, she wants to take the competitive examination for it. He believes that Mathematics is a very hard degree, and that sometimes you don’t see the results in the short term. “You can study hard for an exam and fail it because it’s all so abstract and complex, but if you want something, it costs you something.”

Maria has many concerns. She loves walking around Seville, going out for a picnic with friends, going to Maria Luisa Park, but above all… To the Casa del Libro. “Whenever I can I get away and buy some books.” She is a voracious reader. His favorite genres are thrillers and war-themed historical novels, with a special interest in World War II and the Russian Revolution. His favorite author is Javier Castillo, and one of his favorite books is “El día que se perdió la cordura”. She also practices yoga; she does it in her room at the residence. He is very much at home in the residence. “The treatment is very friendly and I eat wonderfully; I have everything very comfortable.” She was another winner of the Scape Room at the resi and really enjoyed the experience. “The whole team complemented each other very well and each one of us contributed in the events we were best at.”

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