Maitena Izaguirre

On Wednesday we celebrated Valentine’s Day and what better way to crown the week of love and friendship than interviewing Maitena!

All our students bring us a lot of their energy and light, but some of them also touch our hearts…

Maitena has accompanied us for more than a year, while preparing for the MIR. From the very first day, we witnessed his constancy. Maitena would not change her work schedule, not even during Sanfermines! And we insisted that he toast with us on the day of the chupinazo!

As we got to know her, we discovered in her not only a responsible student, but also an honest, sensitive person with an incredible sense of humor! Spontaneous and direct. And lively, she plays the piano or goes skiing!

His vocation runs in his family, as his grandfather was a doctor and had four children who were doctors. It is part of your genetic map! “I never considered studying anything other than medicine. It seems to me the best way I have to help other people. It is more than a profession, I have seen it in my father, because you are a doctor 365 days a year. I know that and I love it.

Her family is the most important thing to her: “I know they are doing their best and that they will be with me no matter what. They will never judge me. And they support me to the end.

With his parents, he shares the experience of volunteering every year during the summer to help people in need. He has been to countries such as Morocco and Palestine. Seeing her father practice medicine in those circumstances has left a deep impression on her: “If I could, I would be a volunteer doctor in an NGO all my life”.

However, a specialty had to be chosen. And he opted for… Forensic. During my undergraduate studies I had taken some courses in Criminalistics. He was so impressed that the professor offered to attend some autopsy. He found it exciting!

Few forensic positions are advertised each year and she does not know if she will achieve her goal. He did well on the test, but we have to wait! For us and her family, Maitena has already won. His tenacity and perseverance have won the day. Whatever her future holds, we know she will be a great, enthusiastic and committed physician.

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