Alicia Garcia

Today we present you as student of the week Alicia, a student of Pharmacy at the US here next door, in Reina Mercedes.

She comes from Villanueva de la Serena (Badajoz) and is a very fun and lively person who likes to have fun, but is also very responsible with her studies and obligations.

He did the Bachelor of Health Sciences, but was not quite sure what to do. She enrolled in Pharmacy, which is a bit all-encompassing, and she likes that. I could have entered Medicine because I had the grade for it, something very difficult because the cut-off grade is very high. She felt the pressure that if she did not do Medicine she would be wasting an opportunity, but she, with a lot of good sense, was clear that she did not have the vocation so necessary for this career and she is very happy in Pharmacy.

She wants to do the FIR, but also a Master’s degree in Cosmetics and focus on allergens: “I think that people with allergies still have many limitations. Many creams contain nuts or milk proteins and more research needs to be done in this field.”

She is one of the “veterans” of 2nd year in the residence, and she is delighted: “I have made very good friends. The location is perfect both for my faculty and to move around the city and the treatment with all the staff of the residence is great, I have never lacked anything, in addition, the connections here are very strong and many experiences are shared. I like to take care of my friendships; I am also very familiar and my friends here are like my family. I love making plans with them.

What he likes most about Seville is “the afternoon”, something he doesn’t have in his hometown: “Sometimes it’s difficult because of the lack of time and studies, but when I can, I love those little moments on a terrace”.

He is also amazed by the Feria de Abril. At first she was not too excited, and did not even want to dress as a “gypsy”, but when she experienced it from the inside and as a result of the Sevillanas classes, she was hooked: “I like everything about the Feria, the rebujito, the dancing … and Alicia loves to dance. He sees it as a different form of expression, and would like to join an academy, perhaps an urban dance academy.

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