José María Silva

Today we have as our student of the week José María, who comes from Sanlúcar de Barrameda (Cádiz), a very creative resident.

As a child I dreamed of inventing something. He was very unruly, but he began to apply himself and get very good grades. He has always liked technology and when he was 11 years old he was given a robot for Christmas that he programmed to do things.

He studies Computer Engineering at the US: “I enjoy it because my career solves things that I have always wondered about, such as knowing in depth how an application works and its internal codes”.

In the future, he would like to have his own company. He is attracted to cybersecurity and has several ideas in mind. You want to do a Master’s degree in Big Data or Blockchain (Cryptocurrencies) and you are interested in Artificial Intelligence and the legal and copyright limits of it. His father is a lawyer, and it’s something they often talk about.

José María loves comedy and making videos and short films… He had an Instagram account, “El Show de Joserri” where he uploaded his videos. One of his latest “tangles” has been to brew craft beer with an uncle of his: “I’ve enjoyed it very much; after brewing it, it has to be left to ferment for a few months. At Christmas we tasted it and, although it can be improved, we liked it. I want to make a video with the whole process”. He has created his own brand as a joke “Cerveza Capuchinera”, with his logo and everything… His next project is to make a craft whiskey.

He is in love with his land and Sanlúcar makes anyone fall in love with it: “Besides the fact that it is my town, it has something different; the horse races, the manzanilla, walking along La Calzada or the atmosphere of the Plaza del Cabildo… It also has a lot of history and has been witness to events such as Magellan’s Round the World Tour or the departure of one of Columbus’ voyages”.

She is happy in the residence: “I am very comfortable. I like the food very much and I have made many friends. It’s a pleasure to see the atmosphere.

Of Seville, he loves the center, its architecture, its streets and buildings… “It seems that you are traveling in time and you are in another era”. And he loves to travel. Above all, with his family.

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