Rosa Rivera

Today we have as our student of the week Rosa, who is in her second year with us and is studying Architecture at the US.

He comes from Priego de Córdoba and, curiously, living in a student residence was not his first idea and neither was coming to Seville. Most of her friends were going to study in Granada and she was hesitating, but she got informed and was more convinced to do it here.

She thought that in a residence she would live more “locked up” and that in an apartment she would have more freedom, but now she is delighted, especially because she has made many friends: “Some of my friends in the residence are already like my family”. He also likes the city, especially the cultural offerings and the fact that there are always things to do.

Her father is an engineer and seeing him always with his projects, made her become interested in architecture. When he finishes, he would like to focus on renewable energies: “I think we have a problem. For example, in Seville I have noticed that there is too much construction; the model in big cities tends to overcrowding. There is, for example, too much light pollution compared to Priego de Córdoba, where there are many more green areas”. His village belongs to the region of the Cordillera Subbetica and lives surrounded by mountains, which contrasts with Seville which is very flat.

Rosa has been playing the piano since she was 8 years old at the conservatory and does not rule out, once she finishes her studies, taking the exams for the Superior Conservatory. He has auditioned many times: “When I work hard on a work and then I see that it has turned out well, it is something that fills me up a lot”. He thinks that piano is a career that is not valued enough: “You start at 8 years old and finish at 22, and it is very difficult to combine it with high school with so many hours of classes and study”. Now in the resi he has an electronic keyboard in his room and continues to play. She has also done rhythmic gymnastics, ballet, urban dance, yoga, Pilates… She has always combined the conservatory with some of these activities: “The

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