Juan Carlos García

Juan Carlos Garcia

Juan Carlos García

Juan Carlos, our student of the week, enrolled in Pharmacy after considering several options. Until his first year of high school, his idea was to study chemical engineering in order to work in the future at the Repsol refinery in his native Puertollano, where his father also works as a firefighter. He finally decided on Pharmacy and is very happy with his choice: “I think Pharmacy opens many doors and has many opportunities”.

At the moment, what attracts him most is Hospital Pharmacy or Military Pharmacy, so he plans to do the “FIR”. He is now in his third year with two sophomore courses and is participating for the second year in the Residency Pharmacy Mentorship as a mentor and also serves on the Residency Student Committee.

He has always liked teaching, even when he was a child he thought about becoming a physical education teacher. Juan Carlos considers himself a very active person. He has practiced different sports such as soccer and handball (he played as a federated player in the Ciudad de Puertollano handball team). He also loves video games, but tries not to play them too much because he thinks they take up too much of his time.

He has a great facility for languages. He is fluent in English and has a basic level of French and Italian.

Now he is learning Catalan for a more playful reason: “As I am so culé I want to understand better the press conferences of Xavi, Barça’s coach”. Juan Carlos has a brother five years younger and he speaks highly of his family: “He has always been there in good times and bad” and we can vouch for that. His mother, our dear Hortensia, is one of the biggest followers in social networks of our resi in which she participates very actively.

In the residence he considers that there is a very good atmosphere: “I get along well with almost everyone, although there are always people with whom you have more confidence”. Andalusia has always attracted him. He loves tapas, which he knows well from his summers in Nerja and other places on the Costa del Sol. That is why he chose to study here, although his mother preferred Albacete. “Where do I see myself in the future? Under no circumstances living outside Andalusia”.