Izarra González

Izarra Gonzalez

Izarra González

Izarra, our student of the week, has always had many social concerns: “I’m interested in everything that happens in the world. There are many people who need help. I like to contribute. I chose this career because I think it’s the best way to do it”.

She is pursuing the Double Degree in Social Work and Social Education at @upna. His decision was clearly vocational: “If you don’t like to be with those who suffer, you can’t do this. It is a profession that confronts you with very hard realities”.

She knows this firsthand, because his mother works in a juvenile facility. She is very attached to it. Her father died when Izarra was a child and she has no siblings. She and her mother are a team!

Separating from her is one of the reasons why he found it hard to leave Bilbao. On weekends she comes back, she is very attached to her environment. The adaptation in Pamplona was not easy, although it helped her a lot to share a room with Irene, another student of the same career. They are already flesh and blood! “It’s a small place and very familiar. I have found great people in Pamplona”.

Izarra is a sports fan. She practices basketball and taekwondo and is a referee in both disciplines. She also did synchronized swimming. Sport helps her to free her mind and she finds it very educational.

She also loves to travel. And the animals! At the moment she only has a parrot and some fish. But everything will work out…!

Izarra is sociable and cheerful. She likes to take care of others: “I try to make people happy and feel good”. She is very determined: “If I decide something, I go for it. I am constant and stubborn!

Above all, she is a committed person. She works summers to help her mother with the family economy. She is also a children’s instructor. And in the resi, what can we say! She’s on the student committee and helps out like the best: if there’s a Christmas tree to put up, she’s there! If you need help with anything, you can count on her too! With that attitude, you can go anywhere!!!! And it will always leave a good impression.

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