Cristina Granados

Our student of the week, Cristina, comes from Marbella and was not sure what to study until the end of ESO. Once he decided to study architecture, he began to pay more attention to the structures of the buildings he saw, to how the houses were built… In part, this interest runs in his family. His grandfather was a construction manager and his father also works in construction as a bricklayer. At home, he has always seen his father drawing, making diagrams about constructions…

So far the career is going very well, and in the first year he passed everything: “I do not consider it particularly difficult, but I have to put in a lot of hours both for theory and to present projects”; the famous “Architecture deliveries”. He still doesn’t know what he wants to do when he finishes. He thinks he will start as an employee but does not rule out setting up his own company in the future.

Until the day before I had to register I did not know whether to choose Malaga or Seville. He decided, in part, because he knew that there were several residences very close to his faculty and he also wanted to get out of his “comfort zone”: “Seville is a city that I love, the only thing it lacks is a beach”. It is also a good thing for the residence to have her here because Cristina is very friendly and always has a smile on her face.

Her mother once lived in a university residence and recommended this option: “Here you are never alone. This year we have made quite a big group, and I also like to meet people from many places in Spain, we have even visited some of those cities”. One of the things she likes the most is to be in the living room of the resi with her friends to watch a good movie or whatever comes up, although she misses her friend Marta who returned to Mallorca this year.

Cristina also had her time as a sportswoman; until she had to give it up for her studies and because of the pandemic, she played golf at a very good level. She became Andalusian Champion of her age. He played and trained every weekend, but there was a time when in order to continue progressing he had to train more days and it was very complicated because the fields were far from his home.

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