Alejandro Gallego

Alex, our student of the week, also celebrates his birthday today and turns 20 years old.
He is a native of Don Benito (Badajoz) and is studying a double degree in Mathematics and Statistics. Yours with the
mathematics is vocational. Since the 2nd year of ESO, he knew where he was going to go and thanks to the 13.5 average he obtained after the EVAU, he was able to access this double degree: “I think that statistics also brings a lot to the business field”.
He is passionate about reading about the economy and investments and studying charts and trends of what may happen in the future.
medium and long term. He invested some savings in cryptocurrencies and has not done badly at all. As he himself
explains: “Cryptocurrencies are like shares in a company, but without a company behind them;
is a currency like any other in which the price of the currency goes up and down”.
Alex, however, is a bit out of the stereotype of the mathematics student who tends to have a very
focused on this matter. He, on the other hand, is also attracted to other things such as sports and music.
He is the volleyball captain of the Mathematics faculty and has been selected in the national team of the
University of Seville. He also plays paddle tennis and competes in the university league together with Nando, another of
our residents. He loves chess and has participated in the ping pong championship of the resi… En
As for the piano, he attended the conservatory as a child, but now he practices it on his own. His roommate plays the guitar so they make a good tandem… Last year he participated as a mentor in the Math mentoring of the resi and is part of the student committee… He plays all the sticks!
In the future, his idea is to work in private enterprise, perhaps in a foreign country such as Germany,
Holland or Denmark, but she wants to get a Master’s degree in education because she also has a teaching vocation like her parents who are both teachers. He has an 11-year-old brother who seems to be more into letters than numbers. Part of his family (his grandparents and aunts and uncles) live in Seville and he is delighted to be able to see them more often than before.

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