Olga Graja

Olga, our student of the week, announced at the age of four, at her grandmother’s house, that she was going to be a doctor! Her uncle and grandfather are also in medicine, so it ran in the family. But that was not the main motivation: “I have always wanted to study medicine to specialize in oncology. My mother got cancer before she became pregnant. Thanks to the doctors, she was cured and I am here! I want to do for other families what they did for ours.”

As she grew older, she reaffirmed her conviction to study medicine and it was also clear to her that she would study her degree in English in order to work abroad. Olga is a confident girl with clear ideas! I had two options to do my degree in English, in Valencia and in Pamplona. Her parents encouraged her to choose Pamplona because of the prestige of the UNAV and the agreements with universities in other countries. And now she can say, emphatically, that she was not wrong! “I really like the approach of the career at UNAV, we do things that they don’t do at other universities. We study the elements separately, first the cells, then the systems, each organ independently and then as a whole, from all perspectives. The approach is very interesting and you learn a lot.”

She’s loving the race and it’s going well! “I passed everything, but it’s difficult to maintain the level of grades I got in the baccalaureate. The career is demanding, but there is also some time for leisure. I thought I would just study!”

Because Olga has other hobbies besides medicine. She loves reading, being with her friends and playing the piano. When she can, she books the UNAV music room to enjoy the piano. Maybe in the next few years she will be encouraged to participate in the university orchestra! She also enjoys sports, having played tennis, basketball and swimming since she was a child. Since she has been in Pamplona she has been going to the gym, she doesn’t want to be “tied” to a specific sport until she gets into the rhythm of university.

She is “galleguiña”, from La Coruña, and has had no trouble adapting to a city of similar size, such as Pamplona. “I love the city, you get used to it quickly. I think I’ve been very lucky, because of the city and the people I’ve met in residence and at the university.”

It is normal that Olga has made friends early. She is very attentive and helpful, likes to care about other people. It is also considered lively and active. And very responsible, it’s obvious!

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