Jorge Corrales

Jorge, our student of the week, has always known what he wants to do: he would like to be in the army. He felt it was important to complement it with other training, and that is how he decided to study economics at the UPNA. His father owns a company and is familiar with numbers. So the plan is clear: first he will finish Economics and then he will try his luck in the Army!

He is finding the race interesting and affordable! “I’m doing well. If you are consistent, it’s not complicated. There are some subjects that don’t motivate me, but I like most of them and they are useful.”

Pamplona seemed like a good destination, it is welcoming. He comes from a small town in La Rioja, called Lardero, and wanted to study in a small city close to his place of origin. Because he is very family oriented, he loves to be with his parents and grandparents. And, being close to home, you can visit them often.

He met Camplus Pamplona at a training fair held in Logroño. He loved the residence. He came to visit It with his father and brother, and it was love at first sight!

His main hobby is soccer, which he has been playing since he was a child. This year he has really gone for it! in the Rectora Trophy, in one of the 7-a-side soccer teams of the resi. Next year he does not rule out looking for a team in Pamplona (without abandoning the resi, eh?!).

He defines himself as a shy person, but when he becomes confident he is spontaneous and joking. “I like to bring joy to others.” He also considers himself responsible: “When it comes to important things, I’m always there”. He is polite and respectful, a real gentleman!