Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions conditions of use regulate the use according to law 34/2002 of July 11, 2002 on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce of the WEBSITE:
of which she is the owner and administrator, CAMPLUS IBÉRICA, S.L.U., whereby manages the online booking activity for stays in our student residences and accommodations.


The administrator of the web page will do everything possible to solve all the doubts and managements requested to all the USERS/CUSTOMERS as soon as possible in the demand of the consultations.

However, on occasions, and for reasons beyond the control of the web page administrator, such as human error or incidents in the computer systems, it is possible that the speed finally served to the USERS/CUSTOMERS may not be adequate for the management of the requested reservations.

In the event that the management of the reservation is not available or it is not possible to finalize the reservation process, after having completed the management in the registration form, the USER/CUSTOMER will be informed by e-mail of the total cancellation of the reservation.


The website administrator has the highest security measures commercially available in the industry. The secure server establishes a connection so that the information is transmitted encrypted using 128-bit algorithms, at 256 bits, which ensure that it is only intelligible and understandable by the USER/CUSTOMER ‘s device and that of the WEBSITE.In this way, by using the SSL protocol, “Secure Socket Layer”, the predecessor of the TLS protocol, “Transport Layer Security”, which are cryptographic protocols that provide privacy and integrity in secure communications over a communication network, commonly the Internet, which guarantees that the information transmitted over said network cannot be intercepted or modified by unauthorized elements, guaranteeing that only legitimate senders and receivers are the ones who have access to the communication in an integral manner which is guaranteed:

  1. That the USER/CUSTOMER is communicating his/her data to the server center of the web page administrator and not to any other person trying to impersonate him/her.
  2. That between the USER/CUSTOMER andthe server center of the web page administrator the data is transmitted encrypted, avoiding its possible reading or manipulation by third parties.



USERS/CUSTOMERS are fully responsible for their conduct when accessing the information on the WEBSITE while browsing it, as well as after having accessed it.

As a consequence, the USERS/CUSTOMERS are solely responsible to the administrator of the website and third parties for:

  1. The consequences that may arise from the use, for illicit purposes or effects or contrary to the present document, of any content of the WEBSITE, whether or not prepared by the webmaster of the website published under his name in an official manner.
  2. As well as the consequences that may arise from the use contrary to the contents of this document and harmful to the interests or rights of third parties, or that may damage, disable or impair the WEBSITE or prevent normal enjoyment by other users.

The website administrator reserves the right to update the contents when it deems appropriate, as well as to eliminate, limit or prevent access to them, temporarily or permanently, as well as to deny access to the website. WEBSITE a USERS/CUSTOMERS who misuse the contents and/or violate any of the terms and conditions contained herein.

The website administrator informs that it does not guarantee:

a) That access to the WEBSITE and/or linked websites is uninterrupted and error-free.

b) – That the content or software to which the USERS/CUSTOMERS access through the website or the linked websites does not contain any error, computer virus or other elements in the contents that may cause alterations in your system or in the electronic documents and files stored in your computer system or cause any other type of damage.

c) – The use of the information or content of the WEBSITE or linked websites that USERS/CUSTOMERS may make for their personal purposes.


The web site administrator reserves the right to modify, at any time, the presentation and configuration of the WEBSITE, as well as the present terms and conditions of use.

Therefore, the administrator of the website recommends the USER/CUSTOMER to read carefully the conditions and terms of use each time he/she accesses the WEBSITE.

USERS/CUSTOMERS will always have these terms and conditions of use in a visible place, freely accessible for as many consultations as they wish to make.


The administrator of the web site does not assume any responsibility derived, by way of example, but not limited to:

The use that USERS/CUSTOMERS may make of the WEBSITE or linked websites, whether prohibited or permitted, in breach of intellectual and/or industrial property rights.

2.- The eventual damages and losses to the USERS/CUSTOMERS caused by a normal or abnormal functioning of the search tools and localization of the contents and/or access to the WEBSITE, of the errors or problems generated in the development or instrumentation of the technical elements available on the WEB SITE.

3.- Of the contents of those pages to which USERS/CUSTOMERS may access from links included in the WEBSITE, whether authorized or not.

Access by minors to the contents included in the WEBSITE being the responsibility of their parents or guardians, such as having any of the tools to control the use of the Internet in the sending of personal data without the prior authorization of their legal guardians.

The website administrator will not be responsible in any case when they occur:

a.- Errors or delays in the access to the WEBSITE by the USER/CUSTOMER at the time of entering your data in the registration form, the slowness or impossibility of receipt by the recipients of the confirmation of the reservation or any anomaly that may arise when these incidents are due to problems in the Internet network, causes of fortuitous event or force majeure and any other unforeseeable contingency beyond the good faith of the administrator of the website.

b.- Errors or incidents that may occur in communications, deletion or incomplete transmissions, so that there is no guarantee that the website services are constantly operational.

c.- Of the errors or damages produced to the web site by an inefficient use of the service and of bad faith on the part of the USER/CUSTOMER.

d.- Non-operability or problems in the electronic address provided by the USER/CUSTOMER for the sending of the confirmation of the reservations.

In any case, the website administrator undertakes to solve the problems that may arise and to offer all the necessary support to the USER/CUSTOMER to reach a quick and satisfactory solution to the incident.

Likewise, the website administrator has the right to carry out promotional campaigns to promote the registration of new users in its online service.


The web page administrator has all rights over the content, design and source code of this page and WEBSITE and, in particular, including but not limited to, the photographs, images, texts, logos, designs, trademarks, trade names and data included in the web.

USERS/CUSTOMERS are advised that these rights are protected by current Spanish and international legislation on intellectual and industrial property, Royal Decree-Legislative 1/1996 of April 12 and subsequent amendments.

Directive-EU-2019/790 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 April 2019 on copyright and related rights in the digital single market.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, the content of the WEBSITE is also considered a computer program, therefore, it is also applicable all the Spanish and European Community regulations in force on the matter.

Likewise, the copying, reproduction, adaptation, modification, distribution, commercialization, public communication and/or any other action that involves an infringement of current Spanish and/or international regulations on intellectual and/or industrial property, as well as the use of the contents of the website without the prior express written authorization of the administrator is strictly prohibited.

The website administrator informs that it does not grant any license or implicit authorization on the intellectual and/or industrial property rights or on any other right or property related, directly or indirectly, to the contents included in the WEBSITE .

The use of the contents of the web domain is only authorized for informative and service purposes, provided that the source is cited or referred to, and the user is solely responsible for the misuse of the same.


By Law 7/2017, in its Article, 40.5, which transposes into Spanish law the Directive, 2013/11/EU, and Regulation-EU-524/2013, of the European Parliament and of the Council, in its Article, 5.1, which states what is related to alternative dispute resolution in consumer matters: Online dispute resolution platform: (click here).

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