Silvia Denunzio

Silvia Denunzio

Silvia Denunzio

Silvia, our student of the week, will finish her medical studies in Italy this year. He studied for a semester in Germany and wanted to try the experience of doing it in Spain: “I am interested in improving the language, learning it well. Besides, I really like the Spanish culture, and the affinity there is with Italy”.

His passion for learning about other cultures led him to volunteer as a doctor in Tanzania for a month last year: “It was the best experience of my life. My final thesis will deal with malnutrition and diabetes in African countries. And when I finish my degree, I would like to do a Master’s degree in Global and Humanitarian Health, to have a broad vision of health and, if the opportunity arises, to work as a doctor in the neediest countries”.

If in the end he does not go into cooperation, plan B also seems good to him: to become a family doctor. “I like to be at the side of people who are suffering. I would love to be a family doctor, because it plays an important role, helping patients understand what is happening to them.”

At the moment he is enjoying his stay in Pamplona. He finds it a very pleasant city, with a lot of student life. She is also loving the experience in the residence: “Being in the residence is very nice, it is very easy to meet new people. In addition, the residence offers many activities, many proposals. I think that, in order to do well in your studies, you have to cultivate your hobbies and do sports. This way, you have more energy, you feel better and you perform better. I have improved my grades since I am not only dedicated to medicine.

For Silvia, sports have always been an important complement. She has practiced classical ballet since she was a very young girl. She had to “put away the tutu” when she got to college, but would like to take it up again someday. She now goes to the gym, does yoga (at the residence!) and also likes to hike in the mountains.

She is a cheerful, independent person, very open to relationships and new experiences. Always collaborative and friendly, we will miss her very much when her Erasmus semester is over!