Sara Costero

Sara Costero

Sara Costero

Our student of the week is Sara, a torrent of energy! A person with a lot of character and charisma!

She decided to study nursing as a vocation. Her mother and aunts are nurses, but they didn’t influence her: “It’s a profession that totally fits my profile. I think it’s great to be able to help improve the lives of others through my work. I also love the direct contact with people.”

He chose to study at the @upna because of its proximity to La Rioja: “I made the right choice. Pamplona is a very beautiful city with a great university atmosphere. Besides, in the north you are very nice people, very welcoming. I have met wonderful people in the residence, the veterans are helping us a lot, in Nursing we have become very close. And my roommate, what can I say! We will be back to share a room next year!!!”

When she applied for a place in the residence, there were no single rooms left and she had to book a double room. That’s how he met Rebeca, who has become his inseparable friend! “We run the same race, we have a lot of affinity, we’re both from the North, we’ve both practiced athletics… Without Rebeca, I don’t know what I would do!”

Athletics has always been his great passion. She had to drop out of high school, but she didn’t give it up completely… She became an athletics judge, a profession she combines with her university studies. It is in the national category and does not close doors to continue ascending! It’s a commitment for every weekend, but she’s happy to do it!

He also enjoys hiking and skiing. She is a very active person!

He is strong and independent, and at the same time very fond of his family. She is very close to her sister Carla and her two cousins, who are like sisters to her! He also has a very close bond with his town: “At the residence, everyone knows that I’m from Villamediana!

She is outgoing and cheerful. He empathizes a lot with other people. And as an area for improvement, her impulsivity: “Sometimes I don’t think before acting, it’s something I’m working on…”. Impulsive or not, Sara we love it! A ten in spontaneity.