Our student of the week is Patricia, who is studying Early Childhood Education by pure vocation: “Since I was very young, I have loved children. At my home swimming pool I was always the official caregiver, the parents were delighted! I am also a leisure and free time instructor and a basketball coach”.
The first year of her career she had to do it in Valladolid, due to the COVID. She wanted to study outside her city for the rest of her degree and, among several options, she chose Pamplona. She is very happy in our city and at UPNA, although the adaptation was difficult at first: “I am very attached to my parents, even to my sister, who is very different from me, but then she is the one I ask for first! I talk to them every day and I see them every month and a half, taking advantage of a game. Studying away from home is doing me a lot of good, to mature and be more autonomous”.
His life’s dream is to work in a school and combine it with basketball. She has practiced it since she was a child and has been part of the Castilla y León National Team. At present, she plays in a first national team from Pamplona, Navarro Villoslada and, of course, in the resi team! (For us, a real luxury!!!) Playing the sport makes her feel fulfilled: “Basketball has always been my outlet. I have never left it. I’ve even gone to training when I was sick! Sports help me relax, then I perform and study better.
Some people underestimate me because I don’t have the usual basketball physique. Until they see me play… I’m amused by those prejudices!” In her spare time, she loves to cook, especially baking. She also likes to go to the mountains, go shopping, or go bowling with her friends. She is always accompanied by her inseparable companion, the moped! Patricia is a spontaneous person, a bit shy at the beginning, but only until she gains confidence! She considers herself very affectionate and quite empathetic. She likes to help others as much as possible. She is a crack on and off the field!