Paco Álvarez

Paco, our student of the week comes from Motril (Granada), although it can be said that he is half Motrilian and half Sevillian. He was born in Seville, but when he was a baby they moved to Motril for his father’s work and he has lived there all his life. In Seville he keeps much of his family; his cousins, his grandparents … Hence he loves some of the traditions of our city and participates in them by going out, for example, as a Nazarene in the Brotherhood of the O, and is that Paco’s family is purely trianera strain.

He studies Computer Engineering at the US, very close to the residence in Reina Mercedes. He decided on this career without being very clear about it. He did not like the letters and did the Technological Baccalaureate. Although computer science was not something especially vocational, he has always liked computers and video games, although what he would really like to do in the future and what he has always wanted is to be a teacher and when he finishes he plans to take a competitive examination; he believes that teaching is something he is good at, although he is open to other things and does not rule out working for a company programming.

Paco is a person who is initially somewhat shy, but then he is very open: “I also consider myself very lazy”. He says it half-jokingly and half-seriously because it’s hard for him to get things done, but then he does them. He has many hobbies: “Sometimes I touch too many things; I do many things, but some I give up and try others”. He is a self-taught piano player. He is also passionate about chess and it is very common to see him in the resi playing with some compi… He has not been here long, but he is not bad at it. He also loves astronomy, looking for constellations, drawing them and discovering the history behind them… And another subject that interests him is mythology, especially Nordic mythology.

He has been federated in indoor soccer, soccer 7 and soccer 11 and now kills the sporting bug in the gym of the resi. He is one of the few resident Sevillistas: “Unfortunately we are few, I am surprised to see so many Béticos, although I am not anti-Bético”. He confesses he is very competitive in the sports he practices, but he is a good loser.

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