Pabla Mata

Pablo, our student of the week, wanted to be a doctor since he was a child. Because he loves the knowledge of the human body and the possibility of helping others. So he gave his all to achieve his dream: “The roads to medicine are not easy, it requires a lot of note. I was more than willing to make the sacrifice. I studied hard to get to the Selectividad with as many points as possible. And I made it. His friends at school were all praising him and told him that he was going to be the best record in the region.

However, the EVAU came and he did not get the score he needed. He came within a few tenths of being able to study medicine at the public university. The UNAV had admitted him, but he did not want to study at a private university; he has two brothers and did not want to mortgage his family….

In addition, he felt disappointed in himself. And I could not think clearly: “I study medicine thanks to my mother. She was the one who convinced me to study at the UNAV. She said that I had earned it, because of my effort. My grandmother was also key. She told me that her greatest dream was for me to study medicine. She would help me, even if it was the last thing she did in her life”.

Now he cannot be more grateful to them: “It was a great decision to study medicine at the UNAV. Here they don’t value you only for the grade on the exam. They know that a doctor is much more than an academic record. They enhance the values as a person and the attitudes for the profession. I feel that this is really where I belong. Trust life, it never makes mistakes!

In the residency he has found a lot of support in the medical group: “We reinforce each other. If one day you want to quit, they encourage you to continue. And another day you do it yourself. It’s synergistic. And very productive. He is also very grateful to his friends from other careers: “They help me a lot to clear my head. Because even though I’m passionate about medicine, always talking about it is unsettling!”

Precisely in order not to become unhinged, he takes refuge in sports. Make the most of the resi gym! He also goes jogging. Sport is one of its pillars.

He considers himself a lover of order and routine. He is also a very willing and eager person. He is a professor in the resi Medicine Mentoring; and he is also the coordinator of our Student Committee. Although he doesn’t have much time, because he studies a lot, you can always count on him! A 10 in the collaborative ranking!!!!

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