Noelia Capellán

Noelia Capellan

Noelia Capellán

Noelia, our student of the week, was not initially planning to study nursing, but medicine. She had always gotten very good grades, but in high school he was overwhelmed by the pressure. To get into medicine, I needed a very high grade point average. And she chose nursing.

She is a sophomore at @upna and his parents are encouraging her to change careers, Medicine was his dream! But she doesn’t want to, she is happy studying nursing: “It’s four years of university and then I won’t be short of work. I love the subjects. It’s a very practical and focused career. Next year half of the classes are practical, and in the 4th year the whole course!”

She is from a small town, Haro, and it did not cost her the change to Pamplona. She didn’t find it difficult to make friends either, even though she considers herself a shy person: “I shared a room for the first year and that made it easier for me to adapt. My partner was a great support. The veteran students were also very supportive. I made a date to go to class the first day and since then, I have had no shortage of company!

Already the first week I had made my group of friends, and so far! We are, all girls, 5 nurses, 1 journalist, 3 bilingual ADE students and 1 law student. Living in a residence is very enriching because it allows you to open up and make friends from other careers.” Living near La Rioja, she can often see her family. She is an only child and that weighs a lot! She likes to take care of her relationship with her parents. Her main hobby is skiing, a hobby she has always shared with her father. She misses skiing with her in Valdezcaray, but last year she was in Formigal with her friends from the resort and enjoyed it very much! In the absence of skiing, she plays in the indoor soccer team of the resi, she has to keep fit!

She is a very collaborative person and this year has volunteered to be a teacher for the Mentoring in Nursing. In fact, she is the group coordinator! Although she considers herself a bit introverted, she does not find it difficult to socialize. She is a sensitive and kind girl. She likes to care about other people, she is always willing to help. Yours is vocational!

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