Miranda Hernandez

This week we have a “rookie” as student of the week, although by how well she has integrated into the residence, she seems to be a “veteran”.

Miranda comes from Calamonte (Badajoz) and studies Mathematics at the US, although she also considered Architecture because she loves to draw.

When he finishes, he is clear about his future. She wants to be a high school teacher. He loves teaching, something he realized when he saw how much he enjoyed explaining subjects to his classmates in ESO and Bachillerato.

He could have enrolled in Badajoz, where mathematics is also studied, but he wanted to get out of his comfort zone and wanted to come to Seville. Now she knows that she has made the right decision and is enjoying, above all, the experience of living in a residence: “In college I have also made friends, but in the residence you are living together all day and you make more friends. I am very grateful to my parents who were the ones who insisted on the idea.

Miranda exudes friendliness and at the gala held by the residents, she won the award for the best rookie, and also for the most frequent gym goer, because sport is very important in her life. He has been playing tennis since he was 6 years old. This year he has qualified for the National Championship of the amateur circuit. His father and sister also play. In Extremadura she has been three years the best of her age and champion of the “Judex”, promotional championship of tennis in Extremadura.

As a child she also danced flamenco for 6 years, did rhythmic gymnastics, handball, played the guitar… But what has always been there has been tennis, where she has also made many friends.

She likes Seville very much, although at first she was a bit surprised by the size and traffic: “The first few days I was crazy about the traffic lights, because in my town there are far fewer of them. He really likes the architecture of our city and places like the Plaza de España, which he was able to see on the Walking Tour we did in September.

She is also looking forward to discovering the Feria de Abril and has signed up for Sevillanas classes at the residence. We imagine that as an advanced student because of her experience with flamenco.

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