Miguel Gómara

Miguel Gomara

Miguel Gómara

Miguel, our student of the week, has always been a “science guy”. He loved mathematics. Later he loved physics and chemistry. Later came technical drawing. Language, on the other hand, was on the verge of being suspended for a year! His mother told him one day: “I know for sure, you’re going to be an engineer”. And so it was! Because there is no one who knows him better than she does: “My mother has always been the pillar of my life”.

He considers himself a very family-oriented person. He is the middle of three siblings, but acknowledges that he has always been the father of all of them, including his older sister. Miguel is a very responsible and focused guy. Also very self-demanding: “I always want the best. In this sense, I am very stubborn”.

When he started his career, he knew he wanted to be an engineer, but he had his doubts about the specialty. The first year at the UPNA, subjects are shared between engineering departments, and that’s when he realized he had made the right choice: he would be an industrial engineer. In his sophomore year, he already knows he wants to major in electrical or electronics. And then he is interested in focusing on renewable energies, an attractive sector with a future!

He says he is in love with Pamplona. He lives nearby, in Tudela, but likes to stay in Pamplona many weekends. In the residence he feels at home: “I have made great friends from La Rioja, Burgos, Donosti, Logroño and Miranda de Ebro. The atmosphere is great! They called me last year to give a talk at my old school, Jesuítas de Tudela. And I told the students that the first year it was forbidden to go to an apartment! They had to come to Camplus.

In his spare time, he likes to play sports to escape and feel good. He has a black belt in judo and has always practiced indoor soccer. In Pamplona he is part of the soccer team of the resi.

And of Mentoring in Engineering! Because Miguel is a collaborative and involved guy. It gets noticed in a positive way!!! This year he also ran for class delegate at the university. He likes to do his bit.

He is a very sociable and outgoing person. He also recognizes that he is absent-minded, and sometimes square-jawed. He transmits a very good energy, he has vitality and a lot of charisma!

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