Mercedes Fernandez

Merce, our student of the week, comes from Vigo and she did it through references from two other Galician women in the resi, Laura and Mar: “When I arrived I already knew people, it was very easy to integrate and the veterans welcomed me into their group quickly”. Merce is very sociable and is part of the student committee: “What I like most about the resi is the very family-like atmosphere. We all ask each other how we are doing.

When she was a child she wanted to study veterinary medicine, but in high school she began to think about engineering. Already in high school he thought about his current career, Engineering in Industrial Design and Product Development, (almost nothing). In Galicia there was only in Ferrol and she decided to come to the south, partly because her cousin Claudia from Benalmádena was going to study here. Finally, they both entered the residence. He has a very special relationship with Claudia:

“We have gone from seeing each other one month a year on vacation in Galicia to living together and missing her if we don’t see each other for a few days; we complement each other very well.”

She is delighted with her studies and in the first four-month period she passed everything: “It’s interesting the mix of mathematics, physics and the more artistic part of drawing. I’ve been very lucky with the professors, you can tell they like what they do”.

In the future: “I would love to design objects to improve people’s lives, I would also love to participate in the design of cars and other vehicles; my career has a thousand outlets”.

Merce, like her whole family, is very sporty. His brother excels in mountain biking and his parents bike and paddle. She tried many sports and eventually settled on basketball. She has been federated for many years with her club “Seis dos Nadal”. In Seville she has continued with the Polytechnic team (they are second in the US league) and whenever she can she goes to Betis Basket games: “I like basketball because it is a time when I escape from everything and only think about concentrating on the game; I also like the camaraderie and commitment to the team”.

In Seville he is happy: “In Vigo there is also a lot of atmosphere, but the atmosphere in Seville is spectacular. I love the terraces and the university atmosphere”.

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