Isabel Libi Fuentes

Isabel Libi Fuentes

Isabel Libi Fuentes

Isabel, our student of the week comes from Linares (Jaén), where she arrived with 14 months since she was born in the Chinese city of Hunan Heng Dong.

His parents are both teachers, although they like to call themselves “schoolteachers”. For the moment, she does not see herself as a teacher. He has always been attracted to research and the laboratory. He wanted to study Biomedicine and tried in Seville, Santander and Valencia, but he could not get in and finally enrolled in Pharmacy.

She considers it a very versatile career, and does not close any door, from the research that interests her so much to the possibility of opening a pharmacy. She has made a very good group of friends in the race and in the residence (she won with her group our Scape Room at the beginning of the course).

Isabel is in love with culture, especially cinema. His favorite actress is Audrey Hepburn and he has seen most of her movies. In Seville he has already visited almost all its museums and other monuments such as Los Alcazares or Las Setas. She loves the light in our city “In my room there is a lot of light all day long and I like that”. He does miss some things from his hometown, such as sweet porridge, although “I found a bakery in Triana owned by a guy from Jaén who makes it”.

This week she is excited because the Goya Awards are taking place in Seville… “I can’t wait to go to the red carpet, to see if I can see a celebrity and take a picture”. During her high school years she practiced ballet. He rehearsed between 7 and 11 hours a week. He studied up to the 3rd year of conservatory and performed in several municipalities near Linares. When he arrived in Seville he wanted to continue, but the schedules are difficult to combine with the University. He loves to travel and participated with the institute in two exchanges in Cambridge and Nijmegen (The Netherlands). The latter was in March 2020, just prior to confinement. “It almost caught me abroad; I managed to get to Linares half an hour before the start of the State of Alarm and before they confined us; it was very strange to live from there the news coming from Spain and I went from an exchange abroad to a three-month confinement at home.”