Ignacio del Amo

Our student of the week – and first of the year! is Ignacio. When asked what he expects from 2024, he is clear: “I hope it will be full of experiences that leave a mark and that, despite working hard, I can enjoy it”.

For the moment, he is happy! He likes the city and the location of the residence because, being in the center, he can walk and everything is accessible: copy shops, pharmacies, restaurants and, of course, the university!

He studies architecture at the UNAV, and says he is delighted: “I love architecture. I work a lot in class, but I find it very entertaining and that’s why I don’t find it hard”.

His father is an architect and encouraged him to choose the career, as Ignacio had some doubts. He was attracted to Architecture, but also to a degree in Energy Engineering and in Industrial and Electromechanical Design. He trusted his father, also when it came to choosing a university. He told her: “If you are going to do architecture, you must choose a good university. Listen to me and study at UNAV”.

And so he left Burgos and came to Pamplona. The choice of the residence was easier; it had been recommended by several acquaintances in Burgos. In addition, one of his brothers lived in Camplus Bononia! during his Erasmus in Italy and had very good memories.

Although he still has a long way to go, he likes to think about his future. When he finishes his degree, he wants to do a Master’s degree in Finance, to train and, someday, open an architectural firm. He would like to learn with his father, and then “fly”, he wants to make his own future. He also finds it essential to travel, to learn about architecture in other countries and continents, to soak up and find his own style.

In her spare time, she loves to play sports: soccer, basketball, volleyball, swimming, field hockey… anything rather than being on the couch! This year he is the captain of our Camplus B 7-a-side soccer team.

He considers himself a family person, not in vain, he has four siblings! He likes to treat others well, regardless of how they correspond. He is attentive, polite and friendly. A Castilian gentleman!

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