Hugo Pichón

Hugo Pichón

Hugo Pichón

Hugo did not know whether to study Aeronautical Engineering, Medicine or Biomedical Engineering… And he chose the third option, at @upna. Three years later, he knows that he will finish his degree, which he finds very interesting, but that “medicine is his thing”. You don’t always get it right the first time!

Biomedical engineering has opened up some fields of interest for him, such as nanotechnology, which attracts him because of the possibility of intervening in people with the least possible impact, or implants: “I like to see how progress brings technical solutions that help improve the quality of life.” But what he misses is human contact; that’s why he would like to study medicine when he finishes engineering.

He is a very curious person, he loves to learn new things. Last year he signed up with 3 students of the resi, Mikel, Lucia and Unai, to the 24 hours of innovation, an event held in France. To their surprise, they won a prize, with a project to cool computers more efficiently and with less energy cost. They then took it to Banco Santander’s Explorer program, where they received a 3-month training to be able to become a start-up. “I need to have other motivations besides the race. They stimulate me. And I optimize my time.”

Last year he also learned to play the guitar. And he joined the athletics federation of Navarra with Violeta and Mikel, 2 friends of the resi. “I like to race to better myself. And if you do it in a team, it’s much more fun. You participate in a strategy, you create bonds… Besides, in Navarre there is a high level of athletics”.

He is very comfortable in Pamplona and satisfied for having left his comfort zone in Vitoria: “I have met great people in the resi, I will miss them next year, I will do an Erasmus internship. The staff of the resi is also very friendly, and we have a lot of activities, which give a lot of life”.

He is a very empathetic guy. He likes to take care of his friends and “be there” when they need him. He considers himself very familiar and, at the same time, independent. Above all, he is very proactive and is always open to new challenges!

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