Antonio Gutierrez

Today we bring a very versatile resident as our student of the week. Antonio comes from Chipiona (Cádiz), and is studying a double degree in Chemistry and Materials Engineering. It is his first year in the resi and his fifth year of his career. Previously, she spent three years in another residence and also lived in a shared apartment, but her roommates finished their studies and she decided to return to a residence. He chose Camplus and is very happy. She is a very outgoing and outgoing person so, despite the age difference with many of her peers, she has integrated perfectly.

His initial idea was to study Materials Engineering, but he was also good at Chemistry and decided to do a double degree. In the future, he would like to work as an engineer rather than a chemist, although he is not clear on what exactly. At the moment, when he finishes, he wants to do a Master’s degree in Biomaterials.

Antonio has many hobbies. In Chipiona he loved sailing. He competed in dinghy sailing in the “laser” category. He was federated for two years and during the summers he worked as a catamaran instructor. He is also very fond of soccer and Formula 1, although what he really “dies” with is the Carnival of Cadiz, of which he is in love. He likes the chirigota a lot, but the modality that most attracts him by far is the comparsa… and there he is clear, his favorite author is Antonio Martínez Ares whose entire repertoire is known since the 90’s: “My shame is that I don’t have a good ear and I can’t sing them as I would like to”.

He is also in love with cinema, especially classic films. His favorite movie is “12 Men Without Mercy” from 1957, no less. Others he loves are “The Godfather” and “The Metal Jacket”.

He is very creative and won the resi’s Christmas card contest, something that is not new to him: “Ever since I was a child, my school had a Christmas card contest and I won it several times. For the latter I thought of something original and one day in the living room of the resi I decided to put the Three Wise Men playing ping pong, camels through the window and even the Grinch of Christmas. On TV I put a Real Madrid game on in the background, because that’s my team”.

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