Our student of the week is Naiara, a student from Calahorra, who is studying the Double Degree in Business Administration and International Economics (bilingual) at @upna. Naiara was not sure what to study, until her cousin told her about this double degree. She has always been interested in economics; she was also interested in doing her undergraduate studies in English and taking her junior year abroad. Next year she is going to the USA! “I am delighted, studying in Georgia for a whole year seems to me to be an academic and personal opportunity. I wanted to go far away, to another continent, so I wouldn’t be tempted to hang out with Spaniards!”
In ESO and Bachillerato she enjoyed three exchanges, two in Germany and one in the United Kingdom. She loves to travel and does it whenever she can, especially with her mother: “Traveling opens your mind and takes you out of your comfort zone. She considers herself to be very independent and would not mind working abroad when she finishes her degree.
Although it is cosmopolitan, it also has “its rural side”. She loves animals, has always practiced horseback riding and adores her six dogs! She likes to walk and enjoy life in the countryside.
She adapted quickly to Pamplona and the residence: “I had not visited Camplus, it had been recommended to me. I also saw it on social networks and I loved it. I felt comfortable from the first day. The location is very good. And I like the fact that the schedules are not set and that you learn to regulate yourself”.
She found the first course reasonably straightforward, but admits that the second course has been intense! Luckily, she is very disciplined and organized, thanks to rhythmic gymnastics, a sport she has practiced since she was a child and which has given her many values, especially perseverance. She is very self-demanding! She also loves to help others. Naiara is a strong girl with a little heart!